If you work with a database-driven script app for your website, all of the content that you or the website users add, will be stored in cells and tables inside a database, not as simple text in the app files. In contrast, HTML websites are static and all of the content on such a site is part of the actual HTML files. An online store application, for instance, pulls all of the items, prices, user reviews, and many others, from its database and this is the same for any other script that enables you to make a dynamic site. The more the content you include, the larger the database gets, so in case you employ a script-driven website, you need to make sure that your web hosting package features sufficient database storage space. The latter applies regardless of what type of databases you will use - for instance MySQL or PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Hosting

When you choose our cloud hosting services, you can expand the content and the user base of your PostgreSQL-driven websites as much as you need since a few of our packages are provided with unlimited database storage. Even if you start with a lower-end package, you will be able to improve either the database storage space feature or the whole package, in order to have sufficient resources for your websites. We use a custom-built cloud platform and we have an entire cluster dedicated to the database storage. Since no other processes run on these servers, the general performance is better and we will add extra servers or HDDs when they are needed. No matter how many objects you include in your online store or the number of comments people leave on your message board, you won't ever experience any difficulties on account of a shortage of database storage.